Review of the Kriging Technique Applications to Groundwater Quality

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Hayat Azawi
May Samir Saleh


Kriging, a geostatistical technique, has been used for many years to evaluate groundwater quality. The best estimation data for unsampled points were determined by using this method depending on measured variables for an area. The groundwater contaminants assessment worldwide was found through many kriging methods. The present paper shows a review of the most known methods of kriging that were used in estimating and mapping the groundwater quality. Indicator kriging, simple kriging, cokriging, ordinary kriging, disjunctive kriging and lognormal kriging are the most used techniques. In addition, the concept of the disjunctive kriging method was explained in this work to be easily understood.

Article Details

How to Cite
“Review of the Kriging Technique Applications to Groundwater Quality” (2021) Journal of Engineering, 27(12), pp. 23–32. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2021.12.03.

How to Cite

“Review of the Kriging Technique Applications to Groundwater Quality” (2021) Journal of Engineering, 27(12), pp. 23–32. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2021.12.03.

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