Optimization of Locations for Bioswales Stormwater Management Using BMP Siting Tool - Case Study of Sulaymaniyah City-KRG-Iraq
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Today, urban Stormwater management is one of the main concerns of municipalities and stakeholders. Drought and water scarcity made rainwater harvesting one of the main steps toward climate change adaptation. Due to the deterioration of the quality of urban runoff and the increase of impermeable urban land use, the treatment of urban runoff is essential. Best Management Practice (BMP) and Low Impact Development (LID) approaches are necessary to combat climate change consequences by improving the quantity and quality of water resources. The application of Bioswales along urban streets and roadways can reduce the stress on water resources, recharge groundwater and prevent groundwater pollution. While Sulaymaniyah City has a combined sewer network, the application of Bioswales makes wastewater treatment possible in all seasons. This study aimed to determine suitable locations for LID as one of the methods of urban runoff management in Sulaymaniyah City, KRG Iraq. The research modeled and optimized the placement of Bioswales using the BMP Sitting Tool (BST) in the ArcGIS program. Results of the study suggested a total area of 104329 m2 in 530 locations for the installation of the Bioswale system. Also, results showed that land use parameters and soil hydrological groups could be considered important factors in selecting a suitable location for Bioswale system establishment.
Article received: 5/7/2022
Article accepted: 13/8/2022
Article published: 1/1/2023
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