Study of Some Mechanical Properties for a Polymer Material Reinforcement with Chip or Powder Copper

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اسيل محمود عبد الله


In this paper, chip and powder copper are used as reinforcing phase in polyester matrix to form composites. Mechanical properties such as flexural strength and impact test of polymer reinforcement copper (powder and chip) were done, the maximum flexural strength for the polymer reinforcement with copper (powder and chip) are (85.13 Mpa) and (50.08 Mpa) respectively was obtained, while the maximum observation energy of the impact test for the polymer reinforcement with copper (powder and chip) are (0.85 J) and (0.4 J) respectively  

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How to Cite

“Study of Some Mechanical Properties for a Polymer Material Reinforcement with Chip or Powder Copper” (2012) Journal of Engineering, 18(05), pp. 103–113. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2012.05.01.


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