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Sustainable architecture has became one of the most important architectural concepts on earth
today because of the energy crises. Architecture is concerned as the largest energy consuming field ,so that one of the main goals of modern architecture is to reduce energy consumption or reticence it from building if possible . Sustainable architecture is a modern and new concept. It is used sometimes to refer to green ,intelligent and environmental architecture , and that make it confused term , therefore the main goals of this research is to clear the main important pillars of this architectural concept (reduce costs , reduce the environment pollution , reserve energy ) as a first goal. Second goal establishing The Procedural definition for this architectural concept is sustainable architecture is Defined In This Paper As (The Architecture That Satisfies The architectural human needs) – beauty , function , structural needs , the ability to generate energy needed to operate the building or reduce the energy needs for it , reduce the costs of production & maintenance , consumption for environmental conservation purposes to preserve earth and its resources for the future generations. This paper tried also to classify the concept to different levels each one dedicated to specified architectural field . Intelligent sustainable architecture is the one that depends on modern technologies for implement the sustainable concept .Green sustainable architecture is the architecture using plants and green areas ,environmental sustainable architecture is the one depending on environmental features to achieve sustainability. and so on for the rest of levels concepts . As a summery this research is an attempt to understand the concept ( sustainable architecture ) and recognition for its interrelated levels.
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How to Cite
- coldhamarch .coldham,b.,(2001),”what is green arch " . last visit at 22-9-2008
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