دراسة مموثات غازات العادم المنبعثة من سيارات الكازولين في الطرق العراقية

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The work aims to calculate pollutants gases concentration that are emitted from gasoline
engine Vehicles exhaust .These concentration are compared with emission limits in other
countries. These gases are carbon monoxide (CO), unburned or partially burned hydrocarbons
(HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), lead oxides, particulate matter and soot. The research is carried out on a new and old cars .which are widely used in Iraqi roads .these cars are different in product year , distance travelled and in Exhaust- gas treatment techniques which used. The analysis of exhaust gases carried out by using the electronic exhaust gas analysis system (T156D). Which is maunfactured in Italy and operate with windows system. The results show decrease in concentration of the (CO, HC, NOx, SOOT) emitted from Exhaust gases cars which have low travel distance (new cars model ) these cars use electronic systems to controll on injection , ignition and use exhaust gas pollutant control systems such as early fuel evaporation ( EFE) , exhaust gas recirculation ( EGR) ,catalytic converter , positive crankcase ventilation (PCV ). the results show that there are increases in pollutants concentration emitted from old model which have long work time and not have controller systems on the mixing and ignition systems as well as have lowe maintenance. the results show that ratio of cars which use exhaust gas treatment techniques and satisfy the emits limits is 32% only .but the larger ratio approximately 40% don't satisfy the emits limits.

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How to Cite

“دراسة مموثات غازات العادم المنبعثة من سيارات الكازولين في الطرق العراقية” (2008) Journal of Engineering, 14(03), pp. 480–502. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2008.03.06.


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