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Mokhtar Mohammed Hasan
Noor Adnan Ibraheem


Many Network applications used as remote login have some ways for detecting the intruders which are classical ways applied by comparison of operations between login user interface and system stored information. The proposed system tried to detect the intrusions happened by the network intruders using new technique called Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network which have the ability to detect the intrusions at the same time even if the number of users is large. The proposed system consists of two stages, the first stage is for monitoring all events that happen and analyzing them, and the second stage is to detect intrusions. The detection operation combines anomaly intrusion detection and misuse intrusion detection using the Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network system, which is a suggested method in our paper used to learn the normal network traffic and detect the abnormal traffic.

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How to Cite

“APPLYING ADAPTIVE FUZZY NEURAL ALGORITHM FOR INTRUSION DETECTION” (2010) Journal of Engineering, 16(01), pp. 4488–4509. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2010.01.08.


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