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Sawsan Reshed Mohammad


This Paper aims an identifying the tests of mosaic tiles and incorporated it into management
systems, to assist, authors of system that has mosaic tiles is technically accepted (accept lie).
This paper presents the important tests taken from the British specifications adding to it other tests
which might be necessary to complement the test of the tile that has been technically accepted. The
results that were depended on were numbers which might be nearer to reality respecting the used
tiles whose results were taken from:
1- The tests that were performed in the lab of testing constructional material/College of Engineering/ University of Baghdad.
2- The test that were performed in the National Center of Constructional Labs.
3- Depending on previous Researches in this field.
According to the information, the results of the test and the number of the used tiles in Iraq were
established. Then the theoretical information of the research and the lab's result were taken and a
management system was made for an information basis of one of the expert systems. Through
inputting data by the user of the program to this system, the range of fitness of using the tile could
be known.

Article Details

How to Cite
“DEVELOPING AN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENTSYSTEM FOR TEST OF MOSAIC TALES WITH EXPERTSYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION” (2006) Journal of Engineering, 12(03), pp. 52–62. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2006.03.16.

How to Cite

“DEVELOPING AN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENTSYSTEM FOR TEST OF MOSAIC TALES WITH EXPERTSYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION” (2006) Journal of Engineering, 12(03), pp. 52–62. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2006.03.16.

Publication Dates


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