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Ali Hussein Abdul-Jabbar


Single phase AC induction motors are one of the widely used motors in the world, yet relatively little woke has been done in the applications of power electronic converter to these motors to achieve variable speed operation. When variable speed is required, it is usually achieved either by using auto transformer or by switching between two or more fixed winding configurations. The motor is analyzed as an unbalanced two phase system to determine the torque that can be expected under variable frequency control.
The performance of capacitor-run single phase induction motor used in SHEPWM adjustable speed drives in the steady-state is investigated. The supply voltage-frequency law for the motor is selected in such a way as to insure a correct operation of the motor over the whole speed range.

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“VARIABLE VOLTAGE - FREQUENCY CONTROL OF A SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVEN BY SHEPWM INVERTER” (2009) Journal of Engineering, 15(2), pp. 3572–3582. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2009.02.05.


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