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Molammed S. AL-Jawad
Omar F. Hassan


A study has been done for finding the optimum separators pressures of degassing stations. The

optimum operation pressures are determined by employing Constrained Rosenbrock (1966) method using the maximum API. minimum GOR and minimum B, as objective fumetions and separators pressures as the decision variables. The optumizatien of separators pressures requires equilibriom ash dculation under difterent conditions of pressures and temperatures to determine the conditions than will sied the most stoek tunk lisquid Fquilibriam flash caléulation is achieved by solving the equation of state In the carreni study. Sonve – Redlich – Kwong (1972) and Peng Robinson (1976) have neen used with the phick and volatile oils respectively. Tw conputet nodeis ars med to 5od the optimum sepajalors pressures. The first imode) is OSPB cich cin be usd with black oshi stsond is OSPY that omipicas kotarite dils. Application of these models shows improvement or'tie all objective lunctions for oils, Iwo checking techniques the plotting & sensitivity analysis test) proved the validity of these opumization models

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How to Cite

“PREDICTION OF OPTIMUM SEPARATION CONDITIONS FOR SEQUENTIAL FIELD SEPARATION SYSTEM” (2005) Journal of Engineering, 11(03), pp. 541–552. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2005.03.09.


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