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Basil Obayd Mahdy


 Due to the solubility of gypsum, gypseous soils are known to be very problematic for civil


Tr.r assign the volume of the problem and the manner of dealing with it, it is essential to estirnate the arnount of'gypsum in the soil as acourate as possible .The aim of this study is to highlight the methodologies available in the literature that a reusetl to detect the presence of gypsum in soil and to determine its content . The study involves a comparison arnong four of the most popular methods used to determine the soil gypsum . The lbur rnethods rvere used to recover tire soil gypsum in gypsofied soil sarnples containing known amount r:f gypsum . The analyses fbr the test results showed that the method proposed by Berigari and Al-Any (1994 ) was the most accurate one . 

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How to Cite

“COMPARSION OF SEVERAL METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF GYPSUM CONTENT IN SOILS” (2024) Journal of Engineering, 10(3), pp. 373–389. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2004.03.07.


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