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Bahjat Rashad Shaheen
Zainab Qais Al-Shahrabally


 Architectural environment engineering and part of it is the interior design plays a great role in achieving trie recovery through the hospital building. The interior design in hospitals consirJered as a very specialization field .The aim of this research is to develop the interior treatment spaces in the medical buildings and make it looks more humanistic, through the deep study of the treatrnent   efftcts of some interior design elements trying to appoint them in accordance to the people needs in our society in such buildings which represent the houses of mercy and recovery in their imagination which it's interior environment aims to achieving the human requirements for the users of its spaoes . The recenf research based on it's rvork the fleld study through choosing some of our local hospital also distribute the questionnaire to the users of these spaces in order to reach to the design decisions carne frorn the needs of the Iraqi people basing from our traditions which mustn't ignored when designing an interior environment in this building in order to overplus the psychological advocation of the patient and increase the performance ability of the medical staff 

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How to Cite

“APPLICATION STUDY IN CONSTITUTE THE TNTERIOR BNVIRONMENT IN LOCAL HOSPITAL” (2024) Journal of Engineering, 10(3), pp. 87–108. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2004.03.14.


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