Shaft Resistance of Long (Flexible) Piles Considering Strength Degradation
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Soil-structure frictional resistance is an important parameter in the design of many foundation systems. The soil-structure interface area is responsible for load transferring from the structure to the surrounding soil. The mobilized shaft resistance of axially loaded, long slender pile embedded in dense, dry sand is experimentally and numerically analyzed when subjected to pullout force. Experimental setup including an instrumented model pile while the finite element method is used as a numerical analysis tool. The hypoplasticity model is used to model the soil adjacent to and surrounding the pile by using ABAQUS FEA (6.17.1). The soil-structure interface behavior depends on many factors, but mainly on the interface soil's tendency to contract or dilate under shearing conditions. To investigate this tendency, three piles with different surface roughness and under different confining pressures are used. A dilation behavior is observed in the relation of the average shaft resistance with the axial displacement for piles with rough and medium roughness surfaces, while contraction behavior is noticed when shearing piles with smooth surfaces. A large shear strength degradation of about (10%) reduction in the shaft resistance is observed under low confining pressure compared to a lesser reduction value of about (2%) under high confining pressure. Good agreement is obtained between the experimental and the numerical results.
Article received: 15/8/2020
Article accepted: 19/9/2020
Article published:1/3/2021