Factors Affecting Labor Productivity on Construction in Kurdistan of Iraq: Web Survey
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This study was set out to investigate factors affecting labor productivity on construction in the north of Iraq (Kurdistan) and to rank all the factors based on engineers, contractors, and designer’s opinions. 76 factors were analyzed based on previous literature and a pilot study. Next, by using online Google Form, a questionnaire form was created and sent to people who have experience in the construction industry. Afterward, the questionnaire form was sent to targeted people by email and social media apps. Factors were divided into nine groups “Management, Technical and Technology, Human and Workforce, Leadership, Motivation, Safety, Time, Material and Equipment, and External”. However, 202 respondents participated in this study, and they were asked to give weight to the factors using the Likert scale from 1 to 5. Finally, the Relative Importance Index RII was used to determine the factors statically with MS Excel 2015. In brief, all the respondents agreed upon “Economic condition in the country” is the first ranking factor. While “Site complication” was the last factor that affect labor productivity in construction. Last but not least, the “Motivation” group was the first ranked group. Apart from the factors, respondents agreed that Site Engineers have more effect on construction projects than Contractors and Designers.
Article received: 22/6/2022
Article accepted: 13/8/2022
Article published: 1/1/2023
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