Power Generation from Utilizing Thermal Energy of Hazardous Waste Incinerators

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Ahmed H. Hadi
Asya R. Fleyh
Basim A. Hussain
Othman M. Ibrahim
Abdullah F. Abd AL Razak


A large amount of thermal energy is generated from burning hazardous chemical wastes, and the temperature of the flue gases in hazardous waste incinerators reaches up to (1200 °C). The flue gases are cooled to (40°C) and are treated before emission. This thermal energy can be utilized to produce electrical power by designing a system suitable for dangerous flue gases in the future depending on the results of much research about using a proto-type small steam power plant that uses safe fuel to study and develop the electricity generation process with water tube boiler which is manufactured experimentally with theoretical development for some of its parts which are inefficient in experimental work. The studied system generates theoretically (120 kg steam /h at 8 bars) with dry wood as fuel and preheating for the air of combustion and feed water and a diesel engine of (8 hp) four-stroke with single piston converted to steam engine coupled with the electrical generator of (3 kVA). The results are compared with practical values valid in the literature about small power plants of steam capacity (0.1-1) ton/h and operating pressure up to 10 bars. Experimentally, the generated electrical power is little and sufficient to operate a small fan and lump. The current converted steam engine is better than a conventional steam engine in auto lubrication with some operational problems. The boiler efficiency is 63.28%.

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Author Biography

Othman M. Ibrahim, Directorate of Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes


How to Cite

“Power Generation from Utilizing Thermal Energy of Hazardous Waste Incinerators” (2023) Journal of Engineering, 29(10), pp. 52–73. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2023.10.04.


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