Revolutionizing Depth Sensing: A Review Study of Apple LiDAR Sensor for as-built Scanning Applications

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Sahar Fadhil Abbas
Fanar Mansour Abed


Incorporating the LiDAR sensor in the most recent Apple devices represents a substantial development in 3D mapping technology. Meanwhile, Apple's Lidar is still a new sensor. Therefore, this article reviews the potential uses of the Apple Lidar sensor in various fields, including engineering and construction, focusing on indoor and outdoor as-built 3D mapping and cultural heritage conservation. The affordable cost and shorter observation times compared to traditional surveying and other remote sensing techniques make the Apple Lidar an attractive choice among scholars and professionals. This article highlights the need for continued research on the Apple LiDAR sensor technology while discussing its specifications and limitations. A comprehensive review found that the Apple LiDAR sensor has shown promise in capturing 3D point clouds of small to medium-sized objects with exceptional detail. This technology offers a cost-effective and accessible option to scan areas faster and analyze data more quickly and automatically for 3D mapping and modelling in indoor and outdoor environments, particularly in areas with restricted access when using other traditional techniques. It also opens the door for more sophisticated applications in future studies, including cultural heritage conservation, archaeological investigations and feature detection, building health monitoring and many more.

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“Revolutionizing Depth Sensing: A Review Study of Apple LiDAR Sensor for as-built Scanning Applications” (2024) Journal of Engineering, 30(04), pp. 175–199. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2024.04.11.


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