Injection Temperature Effects on the Properties of High Density Polyethylene Crates

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Sawsan D. A. Shubbar


This study was undertaken to provide more insight on the optimum injection temperature used for the production of PE crates, thereby saving time and money, and improving part quality. The work included processing trails of HDPE crates in an injection
molding machine at five temperatures ranged from 220 to 300°C. Both Rheological and mechanical characterization was conducted in order to understand the effect of injection temperature on the properties of crates. Oven aging was also applied for (4 weeks) to evaluate the long-term thermal stability. The results revealed that producing the crates at a temperature range of (260-280 °C) gives the best rheological and mechanical result. The lowest drop in thermal stability has been observed for the crates produced at this temperature range.

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“Injection Temperature Effects on the Properties of High Density Polyethylene Crates” (2013) Journal of Engineering, 19(06), pp. 752–763. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2013.06.07.


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