العلاقة بين الطراز و الحركة في العمارة و اثرها في التصميم على الاعمال المعمارية المعاضرة في العراق
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One of the basic considerations to determine specialty and identity of any architecture is its role as epistemological discipline in specific cultural structure, so the research depending on cultural history theories is able to distinguish between two types of architecture identification that, is architectural style and architectural movements by its relation to culture. The research basic focusing is on the relation between style and movement in architecture and its influence on architecture especially in Iraq. Where the last had a lot of analytical and critical studies from different points. So the research problem has concerned with the epistemological confusion in styles and movement concepts and the relation between them in addition to the lack of information that explains the influence of any of them on contemporary architectural design in Iraq. For reaching the research goal in explaining the way that architectural products would belong to architectural style or movement and its influence on contemporary design in Iraq from (1965-2005) .First
the research had to extract stylistic and move mental measures architecturally, which counts as objective measures can be implemented on any historical or present stage and then implement it on Iraqi architecture in the stage (from 1965 to 2005)
The research finally reached to a number of results ,the most important that is Iraqi architectural design from 1965 to 2005 is the stage where architectural thoughts was born. The research put the stage in two parts; the first one (from the sixties to the end of seventies)
was able to define a general basic trend in the necessity of heritage in contemporary architecture but its experiences were a kind of continuity to modern solutions with specialty of a place, environment and culture, others built on stylistic metaphors as a way of making contemporary architecture in Iraq. The later staqe of this stage developed a consesuous experiences toward heritage and conceptual understanding of style, so it didn't have continues stylistics elements or a parallel experiences in a specific movement, but it depend on individual translation of architectural solution. The last result of the research is that between the individual way of thinking and a general theoretical solutions in which comes the joint of architectural movement that unify a common architectural terminologies between people tests and architect thoughts.
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How to Cite
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