Adaptive Cruise Control System: A Literature Survey

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Farah M. Ali
Nizar H. Abbas


Adaptive cruise control (ACC) assists automobiles in preserving a safe following distance and adhering to speed limits. This advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) modifies the car's speed to keep a safe gap from oncoming traffic. All vehicle types include combustion engines, pure electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and methods of operation; controllers are designed to react to cruise control signals and provide an efficient route profile according to the surrounding environment and instantaneous vehicle performance characteristics. ACC uses a perception system to measure the forward vehicle's current distance, speed, and acceleration relative to the host vehicle. Some of these systems use lasers, radar, cameras, or a combination of these sensors to determine the distance and speed of the leading vehicle. Other systems even use wireless communication to collect data from surrounding vehicles. ACC can help reduce stress on long drives, increase road safety, prevent accidents, and enhance traffic flow energy efficiency. This paper aims to introduce a comprehensive study of the research on ACC and mention different controlling techniques used to deal with the problem. Furthermore, a discussion of each method with its cons and pros is mentioned too. First, an introduction to the ACC system and control approaches with a brief discussion of their main principle is presented. Next, various application cases of ACC are presented. These applications include lateral dynamics, wireless technology, energy vehicles, navigation data, and practical experimental tests. At last, future guidance and challenges are discussed.

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Author Biography

Nizar H. Abbas, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad

Professor in Dept. of Electrical Engineering

How to Cite

“Adaptive Cruise Control System: A Literature Survey” (2024) Journal of Engineering, 30(9), pp. 239–272. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2024.09.12.


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