إذهب إلى صفحة الولوج أو سجّل لتقديم طلبات النشر.

Instructions for Authors 

  • The manuscript can be sent using the Submission system on the Journal website, for more information, please click on the following link:


  • Submit Modification


  • The manuscript is subject to the Turnitin plagiarism detection software before sending to reviewers. Allowable plagiarism percentage below 20 %.
  • The referenced facts adopted in the manuscript should not be taken from arbitrary Internet sites, but only those that rely on research published in international or local journals, books, dissertations, and reports from scientific centers.
  • The research undertaking and submission request forms (available in the Download Supplement Section) should be completed formally and submitted before any action taken by the Journal.
  • Journal of Engineering applies the license of Attribution- 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). If you need to know information on this license, please follow this link: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  • For manuscripts of 20 pages a 75,000 IQD fee is paid for review process, 10,000 IQD should be paid for each extra page.
  • Submission fees are dropped for the first manuscript published by foreign authors.
  • The author must incorporate revisions required by referees within a maximum period of 14 days. However, the final copy of the manuscript should be viewed and approved by the author within a maximum of seven days.
  • The submitted manuscript may not be withdrawn from the journal at or after the review step.
  • The author/s should declare if any, national or international organizations explicitly cover such fees for articles originating from funded research projects. If the author/s does not announce it and if the grant authorities have a conflict, in this case, the manuscript will be rejected at any step of the submission, reviewing, and publishing process. If the paper was already published, in this case, the journal marks the paper as "retracted".
Publishing Instructions:
  • The corresponding author should (register /login) to the journal website.
  • Four files should be uploaded to the journal when the author makes a new submission, as follows:
  1. Article with names in Docx/doc format.
  2. Article without names in Docx/doc format.
  3. Declaration and Copyright forms in pdf format (Please, Download them from the journal homepage and fill them).
  • The submitted manuscript should follow the instructions below ( Journal template can be downloaded from the homepage)

Manuscript Template

  • The Manuscript should be written in English only using MS Word 2010 (or later).
  • An English Abstract should be provided with (150 to 250 words) integrated with the Arabic abstract. Arabic author's names and affiliations.
  • Paper size: A4, the margins should be 1” in all directions (Top, Down, Right, Lift). The submitted manuscript has only one column.
  • Font type: Cambria.
  • The manuscript title in English: pt. 14, bold, centered, capitalize first letter.
  • Authors’ Names: pt. 10, bold, centered.
  • Authors' Addresses: pt. 10, the corresponding author should be mentioned (email address should be included).
  • The keywords are written under the Abstract (three to five keywords) in order sequence using the English alphabet.
  • Manuscript text: pt. 12, single space, justified alignment 
  • Subsection heading: pt. 12, bold, left justified, with the first letter capitalized.
  • Equations: use the equation editor to create the equation. The equation and formula must be written in italics and numbered consecutively with Arabic members in parentheses on the right hand of the page. It must be referred to an equation as Eq. (1) throughout the article.
  • Tables: All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and presented after they are sited within the text. Headings should be placed above Tables, center justified: pt. 11. 
  • The full word "Figure" is used in the figure title, while the abb. “Fig.” is used anywhere in the text. These figures should be illustrated after they are sited within the text.
  • All numbers are written in the Arabic numeral system (e.g. 1,2,3, ..... )
  • Nomenclature includes Latin, Greek characters, superscripts, subscripts, and abbreviations with units and sorted alphabetically.


A list of references in alphabetical form with no numbering should be added at the end of the manuscript. Every reference in the text should appear in the list of references, and vise versa. References should be cited as (Fachinger, 2006) for a single author, (Deal and Grove, 2009) for two authors, and (Clark et al., 1962) for more than two authors. 

For a journal article:

Neis, P., Zielstra, D., and Zipf, A., 2013. Comparison of volunteered geographic information data contributions and community development for selected world regions. Future Internet, 5(2), pp. 282-300. Doi:10.3390/fi5020282

For book:

Mastalerz,  J.W., 1977, The Greenhouse Environment, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

For Ph.D. or MSc. thesis:

Edrich, M., 2005. Strategies and policies for sustainable and integrated planning for land use and transportation in Nablus City. MSc. Thesis, Department of Survey Engineering, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Al-Najah National University.

For Conferences:

Mohammed, O., and Sayl, K., 2020. Determination of groundwater potential zone in arid and semi-arid regions. A Review. in Proceedings International Conference on Developments in Systems Engineering, Dese. IEEE Xplore,14-17 December 2020,  Liverpool, United Kingdom. pp.76–81. Doi:10.1109/DeSE51703.2020.9450782.

Process Corporation, MA. Intranets: Internet technologies deployed behind the firewall for corporate productivity. Presented at the INET96 Annual Meeting. [Online]. Available: http://home.process.com/Intranets/

Appendix A

All appendices should be located after the list of references. 


Authors who receive a decision of Minor Revision or Major Revision have 14 days to resubmit the revised manuscript.


All submissions must meet the following requirements:.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Have you complied with the writing instructions for publication in the journal, are you sure? If you do not follow the instructions, we will return the manuscript to you.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font, employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, Figures, and Tables are placed at the end of the article.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.