Theoritical and Experimental Investigation of the Dynamical Behaviour of Complex Configuration Rotors

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Mohsin Juber Jweeg
Mahmud Rasheed Ismail
Zainab Mohammed Hwady Hwady


The present work considers an alternative solution for a complex configuration of rotor discs by applying Galerkin Method. The theoretical model consists of elastic shaft carrying number of discs and supported on number of journal bearings. The equation of motion was discretized to finite degree of freedom in terms of the system generalized coordinates. The various effects of the dynamical forces and moments arising from the bearing, discs and shaft were included. Rayleigh beam model is used for analyzing the shaft while the discs are considered rigid . The validity and convergence of the present analysis was carefully checked by comparing with the Finite Element solution. An example of rotor consists of three different size discs and supported by two journal bearing was considered for the numerical solution .The results shows good agreements between the two methods ,where the maximum error not exceeds 5%. The convergence test showed that using few modes (not more than 6) are sufficient for the accurate analysis. The forward and backward whirl was investigated experimentally .The experimental results of a two discs rotor ,show a reasonable agreement where the maximum error not exceeds 11%. The unbalance response, Cambpell diagram, orbit response were plotted .The effects of geometry, disc sizes , location and arrangement on the unbalance response and natural frequencies of three discs rotor were further investigated .

تفاصيل المقالة



كيفية الاقتباس

"Theoritical and Experimental Investigation of the Dynamical Behaviour of Complex Configuration Rotors" (2014) مجلة الهندسة, 20(02), ص 106–117. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2014.02.08.


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