The Campus and the Sense of Belonging to Place and Structure

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

هدى عبد الصاحب العلوان
هديل ثامر الخزاعي


The research investigates the role of the Campus Landscape Design in
achieving a complete semio-communicational structure that creates a continuous
dialogue between the perceiver and the physical entity of the urban environment (through the unconscious recall of meanings and semiotic indexes implicit therein)
and achieves individuals' sense of belonging to place , thereby emphasizing the
human ,social and cultural role of the university and its vital contribution in building
up the Whole Man .The absence of a comprehensive theoretical framework for the
role of the Landscape Design in achieving a semio-communicational structure for the
campus urban environment ,constitutes the main research problem.This problem
arises from the lack of knowledge in the previous architectural literature in providing
clear theoretical frame-work concerning the above mentioned role (as a result of
literature concentration on fragmented and separate attributes) , as well as the absence
of a dialectic and reasonable interrelation between architectural theories and scientific
theories in the fields of Structuralism and Semiotics . In view of the problem under
investigation , the aim of the present research is defined as arriving at the
establishment of a comprehensive theoretical model , by which are determined the
principles and mechanisms of the role of the Landscape Design in achieving a semiocommunicational structure for the campus urban environment . Arriving at this aim
requires the building of the theoretical framework in the light of the main research
hypothesis, and eventually the extraction of the research conclusions and
recommendations . The result of the research , led to clear mechanism for the role of
landscape design in achieving a semio- communicational structure for the campus
urban environment . This mechanism is formed by the reaction and simultaneity of the
components of the three basic characteristics of place structure (cognitive , spatial and
behavioral). By applying this mechanism , the designer will be able to create
meaningful environments that achieve people’s sense of belonging to place . 

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
"The Campus and the Sense of Belonging to Place and Structure" (2008) مجلة الهندسة, 14(01), ص 276–301. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2008.01.03.

كيفية الاقتباس

"The Campus and the Sense of Belonging to Place and Structure" (2008) مجلة الهندسة, 14(01), ص 276–301. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2008.01.03.

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