محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
Generally fossil based fuels are used in internal combustion engines as an energy source.
Excessive use of fossil based fuels diminishes present reserves and increases the air pollution in
urban areas. This enhances the importance of the effective use of present reserves and/or to develop
new alternative fuels, which are environment friendly. Use of alternative fuel is a way of emission
control. The term “Alternative Gaseous Fuels” relates to a wide range of fuels that are in the
gaseous state at ambient conditions, whether when used on their own or as components of mixtures
with other fuels.
In this study, a single cylinder diesel engine was modified to use LPG in dual fuel mode to study
the performance, emission, and combustion characteristics. The primary fuel, liquefied petroleum
gas (LPG), was mixed with air, compressed, and ignited by a small pilot spray of diesel. Dual fuel
engine showed a reduction in oxides of nitrogen in the entire load range. The brake thermal
efficiency improved by 3% in dual fuel mode, especially at low load, and also reduced the
hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and CO2 emissions.
تفاصيل المقالة
كيفية الاقتباس
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