New Correlation To Calculate Absolute Permeability From Gas Permeameter
محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
In this study, two correlations are developed to calculate absolute rocks permeability from core samples tested by Gas Permeameter Apparatus. The first correlation can be applied if K g≤100, the second correlation can be applied if Kg>100. Sixty core samples having different permeabilities to give a wide range of values that necessary to achieve a correlation.
The developed correlation is easily applied and a quick method to avoid repeating the test at different pressure values. Only one pressure test is required to reach absolute permeability which is equivalent liquid permeability.
The final results show, after comparison between the values of permeability from the correlations and the value of absolute permeability by liquid permeameter, good agreement between the values.
تفاصيل المقالة
كيفية الاقتباس
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