محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
f-he airn of'this research is to study the breakthrough time for cation exchangers by using a pilot plant of iotr exchange and passing water with different concentrations of hardness. The piiot plant oonsisted of one colurnn containing strongly acidic cation exchanger of styrene divinylLenenzene type. The study covered the effects of the flow rate (1.013 --5.067) L/hr, bed depth (0.1 - 0.5) m,
and hardness concentration (200-500) ppm on breakthrough rime for cation -exchangerr. io u
column witl: (2.5 cm in diameter. Box-Wilson cornposite ratatable design method was adopted in the designing the experimental work" -I'hi.s method proposed secclnd order polynomial mathernatical moclel and their coefficients
are estinLatecl through non -- linear regression analysis to correlate the response function (breakthn:ugh tirne) with the three variables (flow rate, bed depth, trnd hardness concentratiorr).
تفاصيل المقالة
كيفية الاقتباس
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