Some properties of Reactive Powder Concrete Contain Recycled Glass Powder
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Every year, millions of tons of waste glass are created across the globe. It is disposed of in landfills, which is unsustainable since it does not disintegrate into the environment. This study aims to produce reactive powder concrete by using recycled glass powder and determine the influence on the mechanical properties. This study investigated the effect of partial replacement of cement with recycled glass powder at two percentages (0, 20) % by weight of cement on some mechanical properties (Fresh density, Splitting tensile strength, Impact Strength, and voids%) of reactive powder concrete containing 1 % micro steel (MSRPC). Furthermore, using steam curing for (5 hours) at 90 degrees celsius after hardening the sample directly, RPC was produced using local cement, silica fume, and a super plasticizer, with a w/c (0.2). It was found the Fresh density increased by about (7.27%), splitting tensile strength increased by about (23.5%) at age 28day, energy that causes 1-st crack increased by about (77.7%), energy that causes ultimate failure increased by about (54.9%) at age 60 days, and a reduction in the voids % by about (12.5)% at age 28 day compared with the reference mixture.
Article received: 17/4/2022
Article accepted: 24/5/2022
Article published: 1/10/2022
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