The Concept of Technique Systems in the Notion of Smart Buildings Architecture

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أمجد محمود عبد هللا ألبدري
حيدر اسعد عبد الرزاق


The magical brilliance between the information abilities and the abilities of
controlling the environment and consuming power, which distinguishes the smart
buildings. It becomes unavoidable and common things in different fields of
architecture like governmental, public, service and productive. Even on the level of
planning the city center and urban.
That might be attributed in first rank to the vital role of the computer in all
aspects of life until the conditioned buildings that are able to fulfill necessary needs of
the consumer. It also becomes necessary to provide the conditions of comfort,
kindness and entertainment, as regard smart buildings depends in basically in design
and the work of the internal, utilitarian and service structure on service systems. They
are developed technological techniques that depend in their work on high
development and keeping pace with the changes and developments of the information
revolution in order to give the fruit of perfect and interactive buildings that offers to
the resident comfort environment in order to able to perform their tasks highly.

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How to Cite

“The Concept of Technique Systems in the Notion of Smart Buildings Architecture” (2008) Journal of Engineering, 14(03), pp. 400–418. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2008.03.02.


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