Shared Congestion Detection: A Comparative Study
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Most Internet-tomography problems such as shared congestion detection depend on network measurements. Usually, such measurements are carried out in multiple locations inside the network and relied on local clocks. These clocks usually skewed with time making these measurements unsynchronized and thereby degrading the performance of most techniques. Recently, shared congestion detection has become an important issue in many computer networked applications such as multimedia streaming and
peer-to-peer file sharing. One of the most powerful techniques that employed in literature is based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with cross-correlation operation to determine the state of the congestion. Wavelet transform is used as a de-noising tool to reduce the effects of both clock skew and queuing delay fluctuations on the decision of congestion type. Since, classical Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is not shift-invariant transform which is a very useful property particularly in signal de-noising problems. Therefore, another transform called Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT) that possesses shiftinvariant property is suggested and used instead of DWT. The modified technique exhibits a better performance in terms of the time required to correctly detect the state of congestion especially with the existence of clock skew problem. The suggested technique is tested using simulations under different
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