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In this paper, several sliding friction formulations used in spur gear dynamics are examined and compared in terms of the predictions of interfacial friction forces and off-line-of-action. Computing friction formulations include Coulomb models with time-varying friction coefficients and empirical expressions based on elasto - hydrodynamic and/or boundary lubrication regime principles. Predicted results compare well with friction force measurements and appeared completely conformed with specific objectives of this paper are established as follows: (1) propose an improved MDOF spur gear pair model with time-varying coefficient of' friction, µ(t), given realistic mesh stiffness profiles.(2) comparatively evaluate alternate sliding friction models and predict the interfacial friction forces and motions in the off-line-of-action (OLOA) direction: and (3) validate one particular model (III) by comparing predictions to the
benchmark gear friction force measurements
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