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Uncoupled behaviour of a dam undd, earthquake loading is investigated. Three constitutive models are used:. The linear-elastic model where soil properties; shear modulus and damping ratio are strains ar d cycle independent.-The equivalent linear model where soil properties are strain dependent but cycle independert. The shear modulus tends to decrease as the shear strain increases, while the damping ratio tends to increase as the shear strain increases. - A non-linear model where soil properties tend to change not only with shear strain but also with the progression of cycles. In this work, the bounding surface model is used.For these studies, three kinds of umerical integration methods in the time domain are usel. namely, Newmark, Wilson-0 and the a-methods with different damping ratios, In this study, the bounding surface plasticity model visualizes the realistic behaviour of the dam under the dynamic loading rather than the equivalent linear and the elastic linear models
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