محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Mayada F. Abdul-Halim Abdul-Halim


One way to synthesis texture in a fast and easy way is image quilting proposed by Efros and Freeman in
2001. This research brings the adaptive search power of genetic algorithm and combines it with the
concept of image quilting to propose new texture synthesis algorithm. The proposed GA is ran on many
different images from standard texture sets. Visual comparison of our proposed GA with image quilting
algorithm is considered. The texture results generated by the proposed GA are roughly comparable in
quality to those generated from Efros and Freeman algorithm.

تفاصيل المقالة



كيفية الاقتباس

"TEXTURE SYNTHESIS BY GENETIC ALGORITHM" (2007) مجلة الهندسة, 13(01), ص 1210–1220. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2007.01.05.


Efros A. A. and Freeman. W. T. (2001): Image quilting for texture synthesis and transfer. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Computer Graphics Proceedings, pages 341–346.

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Mitchell, M. (1998): An Introduction to genetic Algorithms, A Bradford Book, The MIT press.

Pohleheim, H. (1998): GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with MATLAB, available at http://www.geatbx.com/index.html.

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