Transport Assessment Using Bayesian Method to Determine Ride-Hailing in Kula Lumpur: A Case Study

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Sivan Hisham Taher Al Jarah


This research was designed to investigate the factors affecting the frequency of use of ride-hailing in a fast-growing metropolitan region in Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur. An intercept survey was used to conduct this study in three potential locations that were acknowledged by one of the most famous ride-hailing companies in Kuala Lumpur. This study used non-parametric and machine learning techniques to analyze the data, including the Pearson chi-square test and Bayesian Network. From 38 statements (input variables), the Pearson chi-square test identified 14 variables as the most important. These variables were used as predictors in developing a BN model that predicts the probability of weekly usage frequency of ride-hailing. According to the final model, the attitude of the commuters towards the speed of ride-hailing over hailing regular taxis was the most important and presented in all probability conditions. Several related studies also identified ride-hailing speed as one of the top reasons for using this travel option. The findings of this study imply that commuters still compare the ride-hailing services with the traditional taxis in Kuala Lumpur, especially in terms of complementarity to other modes, ease of payment, ease of access, and speed. It is critical to have a sustainable strategy for keeping commuters’ satisfaction at the highest level because if the ride-hailing services cannot meet the commuters’ expectations, they may switch back to conventional transport options.

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“Transport Assessment Using Bayesian Method to Determine Ride-Hailing in Kula Lumpur: A Case Study ” (2023) Journal of Engineering, 29(10), pp. 126–149. doi:10.31026/j.eng.2023.10.08.


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