Statistical Model for Predicting the Optimum Gypsum Content in Concrete
محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
The problem of internal sulfate attack in concrete is widespread in Iraq and neighboring countries.This is because of the high sulfate content usually present in sand and gravel used in it. In the present study the total effective sulfate in concrete was used to calculate the optimum SO3 content. Regression models were developed based on linear regression analysis to predict the optimum SO3 content usually referred as (O.G.C) in concrete. The data is separated to 155 for the development of the models and 37 for checking the models. Eight models were built for 28-days age. Then a late age (greater than 28-days) model was developed based on the predicted optimum SO3 content of 28-days and late age. Eight developed models were built for all ages. The important results obtained from the developed models are the positive effect of C3S, C3A
and C4AF on optimum SO3 content. The effect of C3A on optimum SO3 content is about twice that of C4AF. The study also showed a trend of positive and important effect of the fineness of cement except
in some models and this is due to statistical overlap
تفاصيل المقالة
كيفية الاقتباس
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