محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
The static characteristics of porous floating ring journal bearing under hydrodynamic
lubrication condition when operating with an improved boundary conditions are theoretically
analyzed. An isothermal finite bearing theory was adopted during this analysis. The effect of
different parameters, namely, permeability, geometrical dimensions of the ring and the bearing are
considered. It was assumed that oil is supplied through the outside diameter of the bearing under
low supply pressure. The angular extent of the oil – film formed in journal – ring and ring – bearing
oil films was obtained by applying the integral momentum equation at the leading edge of the oil –
film to define the beginning of the oil extent. While, the continuity of flow across the trailing edge
was used to define the end of the oil extent. Numerical results show that the bearing performance
affected by different parameters namely, permeability, eccentricity ratios of inner and outer oil –
film, the clearance ratios, and the radii ratios.
تفاصيل المقالة
كيفية الاقتباس
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