Copy Move Image Forgery Detection using Multi-Level Local Binary Pattern Algorithm
محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
Digital image manipulation has become increasingly prevalent due to the widespread availability of sophisticated image editing tools. In copy-move forgery, a portion of an image is copied and pasted into another area within the same image. The proposed methodology begins with extracting the image's Local Binary Pattern (LBP) algorithm features. Two main statistical functions, Stander Deviation (STD) and Angler Second Moment (ASM), are computed for each LBP feature, capturing additional statistical information about the local textures. Next, a multi-level LBP feature selection is applied to select the most relevant features. This process involves performing LBP computation at multiple scales or levels, capturing textures at different resolutions. By considering features from multiple levels, the detection algorithm can better capture both global and local characteristics of the manipulated regions, enhancing the accuracy of forgery detection. To achieve a high accuracy rate, this paper presents a variety of scenarios based on a machine-learning approach. In Copy-Move detection, artifacts and their properties are used as image features and support Vector Machine (SVM) to determine whether an image is tampered with. The dataset is manipulated to train and test each classifier; the target is to learn the discriminative patterns that detect instances of copy-move forgery. Media Integration and Call Center Forgery (MICC-F2000) were utilized in this paper. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in detecting copy-move. The implementation phases in the proposed work have produced encouraging outcomes. In the case of the best-implemented scenario involving multiple trials, the detection stage achieved a copy-move accuracy of 97.8 %.
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كيفية الاقتباس
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