محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Mudafer Kareem Abdullah
Ahmed Abd Ali Hamid AL-Mafraji


A field experiment was conducted at experimental field of Mechanization Agriculture , the
College of Agriculture , Abu – Ghraib , University of Baghdad .To measure transmitted vibration to
seat tractor during operation tillage , mold board plow with New Holland 66-S- 80 tractor as one
machinery unit , Soil was treated at soil constant moisture ( 18 – 20 % ) with two depths of plowing
(15 and 20 cm ) and three speed of tractor 2.0 , 3.5, 6.8 km / h . Three main dimensions in seat
tractor measurement vertical, longitudinal and lateral acceleration. Split plot design under
completes block design with three replicates

تفاصيل المقالة



كيفية الاقتباس

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