محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
In this paper, a study of the earthquakes that have affected Baghdad region in Iraq is made" The documents collected from different references are analyzed to determine the seismic zone of Baghdad. Evaluation of seismic design forces for equivalent static analysis of earthquakes in Baghdad region is mc"de according to the Iraqi seismic code and the lnternational Building Code (I8C,2000).
The studies reached that intensity greater than V on Mercalli Scale has never been recorded on the site at Baghdad. While Seismicity Map of Iraq, proposed by Iraqi Seismic Code, reveals that, Baghdad places in a zone of intensity between (VI-VII) on the Modified Mercalli Scale. Also, the studies reached that magnitude greater than 5.7 on Richter Scale has never been recorded on Baghdad.
When calculating the total horizontal seismic design force acting on buildings and structures according to the formula of the Iraqi Seismic Code Requirements for Buildings (1997), the coefficient Z (seismic hazard zoning coefficient) shall be talien as (0.05) for Baghdad region.
تفاصيل المقالة
كيفية الاقتباس
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