Buckling Analysis of Stiffened and Unstiffened Laminated Composite Plates
محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
The present study focused mainly on the analysis of stiffened and unstiffened composite laminated plates subjected to buckling load. Analytical, numerical and experimental analysis for different cases has been considered. The experimental investigation is to manufacture the laminates and to find mechanical properties of glass-polyester such as longitudinal, transverse young modulus, shear modulus. The compressive test was carried to find the critical buckling load of plate. The design parameters of the laminates such as aspect ratio, thickness ratio, boundary conditions and number of stiffeners were investigated using high order shear deformation theory (HOST) and Finite element coded by ANSYS .The main conclusion was the buckling load could increase and decrease depending on the boundary conditions, thickness ratio, and, the aspect ratio and number of stiffeners of the plate.
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كيفية الاقتباس
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